It's a small one, but a secret nonetheless.
You know the path into Templar's Well in VoG, right? Well turns out, there's another path. One that was intended to be the bridge between Trial of Kabr and Templar's Well, but was "scrapped" when Destiny was reworked. However, it wasn't fully closed off.
1. Go to Trial of Kabr.
2. Instead of going through the doorway next to the cliff, jump over the cliff, turning towards the rock face as you do so. You should see an opening in the cliff with vines on top. Enter it.
3. Follow its path until you reach a jumping maze.
4. Even though the directions tell you to go left, go right and down.
5. You'll soon reach the end, and will see another opening in a wall. Enter it, and follow the path.
6. You should come out in Templar's Well on the right side. If you look out, you should see the sniping platforms, and where the Templar spawns. Jump down to the platforms.
And done! You took the scrapped path for Vault of Glass!
EDIT: It appears this was already discovered. I didn't know it was here until a few days ago. Oh well.
[quote]It's a small one, but a secret nonetheless. You know the path into Templar's Well in VoG, right? Well turns out, there's another path. One that was intended to be the bridge between Trial of Kabr and Templar's Well, but was "scrapped" when Destiny was reworked. However, it wasn't fully closed off. 1. Go to Trial of Kabr. 2. Instead of going through the doorway next to the cliff, jump over the cliff, turning towards the rock face as you do so. You should see an opening in the cliff with vines on top. Enter it. 3. Follow its path until you reach a jumping maze. 4. Even though the directions tell you to go left, go right and down. 5. You'll soon reach the end, and will see another opening in a wall. Enter it, and follow the path. 6. You should come out in Templar's Well on the right side. If you look out, you should see the sniping platforms, and where the Templar spawns. Jump down to the platforms. And done! You took the scrapped path for Vault of Glass![/quote] I love it when I see a post on how a scrub thinks they discovered something new.