Your name on here is nasty, but cool, lol
But yeah i was first timer last night too. I don't recommend three new people go in trying to test the waters without a couple you tube vids or a brain hype man like jo jo to Tyson to guide them because it can get hard with out calling out then dam captains and passing that essence.
Yeah, what works with us during taint is calling out at ten seconds then call out five and switch it around, once mines spawn whoever is taking the next taint should stick with the person who is tainted.
Yup. I ran with a vet and that's what we did. Also his blade dance disappearing helped to catch the middle mine while we pushed right to which ever other, oh and to help revive my scrubby ass
Yeah man, I ran for the first time yesterday with two vets and it was no joke......defo impossible to be carried. I'd say im more proud of that than beating the raids!
Really VoG and Crota hard? Come to think of it, YEAH, that is quite a bit satifying to take out the leader Kell . VoG is trill tho. With team work holding plates, killing oracles, teleport, then center shields and bullets to Big A's belly...... VoG is more epic. Skolas leave u feeling like "Who Want It" lol
Thanks to team mates Ive beaten VOG hard a couple of times whilst being dead haha. No chance of that with Skolas!