We're all upset, there's a certain original crucible AR I'd like to use, and I'm not talking about Shadow Price. But change is coming, and those willing must accept it. Besides, I'm sure Bungie will eventually let us ascend them once the massive outrage gets out of hand.
That's why we're making a massive outrage lol! So they stop with the bs. [b]Destiny players all want the new stuff[/b] even if they like the old 2. IB, osiris, and raid items should all be ascendable. They are part of becoming legend and not all being the same cookie cutter legend with the same gear. It's cool we have multiple good options for gear and guns. How stupid was it when we all had the same same Crota gear on? That's how it will be with TTK if we don't have the variety of awesome things we've grinded for. It shouldn't be automatic. Id gladly hunt down materials to ascend my favorite oldies. I guess that would make people want to play to much though...