Help guardians, this is your friendly neighborhood AnonPig!, and I can't find enough on this [b]legend[/b]
I've heard the most basic of stories, but I know there's more! I try and try and try but all I know is how he's truly a hero in the crucible. Help me by posting everything you know, so I can make an [b]everything to know![/b]
[quote]I've played with [b]smoggypluto[/b] before, I'll tell you, that bro deserves it. He's always got his teammates back. He'll jump in there when your taking fire. Literally took multiple bullets for me. One time I lost my dog and he found it for me. He lent me money when I was behind on bills. Taught me how to change a tire.
Honestly I can't think of anyone who deserves the gjallahorn more.[/quote]
[quote]I was thinking of taking my own light before smoggypluto stopped me. i owe him my allegiance. I dont know a man more deserving of ghallarhorn.[/quote]-strived
Buckbeard -
Zeezke99 -
That's all I've found guardians, tell me of your experiences with this great man
He can reload his golden gun. His bones of Eao allow him to triple blink. ( he can already double blink ) His character has a beard. When he does crota raid crota kneels out of respect not because his shield is down.