[b]Warning[/b]: This video gets extremely complicated o.O In the video's description, I posted my analysis so you can read it at your own speed. It's also on reddit if that tickles your fancy lol http://redd.it/3gesee
Hope you enjoyed :) took 22 hours of analysis and 14 hours editing over 2 weeks!
Edit: Just finished typing in the subtitles to make it easier to follow along :)
150? :D
basically, is worth on a low stability weapon, like Efrideets spear. If the weapon has already good stability, good handling, fast aim, like your sniper in the video, you wont see contrast
Unflinching is still useless in my eyes but roll what you wish!
Edited by xFonze: 8/11/2015 7:17:10 PMThanks for the info! My Efrideets: Worth keeping ? ;) EagleEye Shotgaze Ambush Hidden Hand Speed reload Single point sling Unflinching
I need to give you props. This is a great test, good job! :D
nice vid, good work. [b] [i]~Le Soul Gummy~[/i][/b]
Great video my man. Keep it up. If you're on ps4 and you need a test dummy of some sort, lemme know. Im out of things to do lol
Bump for later please!
unflinching us such a useless perk it does nothing
Wow I am confused lol [i]~ TheGreatVans[/i]
So basically, unflinching confirmed worthless..
Well. I rolled rodeo for my spear.. this is kinda the same as unflinching.
What do you think :) Gonna keep unflinching on your weapon?
I was finally able to watch your video and you are my hero. I absolutely swear by Unflinching, but I have had so many people flame me on the forums when I recommend this perk because "it doesn't do anything".
Bump for babuh kittanz
Great video I enjoyed it so much I watched all of your others! Defiantly subscribing to the channel
Bump for later
Bump for later
Edited by Tim Damage: 8/11/2015 3:18:59 AMImpressive!
Bump for Ron.
Bump for later
1. You have a lot of time on your hands 1b. That's not an insult, so do I. 2. Nice work, thanks for the answer. I don't know how many people will ever use this but it's still good to have an answer lying around. :)
Bump for later please!