Have you ever had those raids where your fire team just doesn't work to you. Either if they just suck, or one of them dropped the n word. You just start thinking HOW can I leave politely or what can I say that is really random and stupid and will confuse them to make my escape? I've gone between saying I've played too much destiny and my eyes hurt or my hamster just got the news that he's been accepted to university, depending on the group.
EDIT: if you want Leave your best leaving lines, serious or not.
i would talk half way then leave to make them think i disconnected
Only had to do it once recently, we were three manning crota hard and swordbearer kept bitching even though it was his fault he was getting swiped by crota, then cursing at us saying we had to do more damage to keep crota down longer (wtf lolol) so I just turned my xbox off and ignored his messages
Girlfriend is here gotta go sorry guys its been fun
I say," yo I got to go to a family reunion in Texas" or "I'm packing for Hawaii"
I leave
Just leave if it's a group of randoms if they are friends...well just leave tell them u got other things to do
I just say that I gotta go and say good game.
"You bitches suck!" Leaves party.
I wait until we wipe again. I give them the benefit of the doubt that maybe we'll do it that time. But if not, I leave when it is all loading.
If I'm host then I give it to someone else and if they ask I just say that it was lagging on me. Then I wait 5 min and hide in a corner then leave lol. If I'm in a party with them, then I leave party and fireteam as fast as possible so it looks like I lagged out.
Just leave. Simple as that.
I just leave.
Hit the ps button. Options Close application Leave party
Just say you suck and just leave like a boss and move on.
Just leave
I get ready to leave the party and say "A, B, C-ya!"
If it's a group of random dickheads: leave party chat, pull ghost out and delete the person you friended to get in. If it's a group of nice people who also aren't great I'll try until I just can't and tell them I'm done for the night.
Casually pull out your ghost and say, "See you later, ****ers!".
Edited by Selenophobia: 8/10/2015 3:52:33 AMI stick it through mostly but you can always just leave and they probably won't care too much
Um I just leave because I feel like it. There's no need for an explanation or apology unless it's my own friends of course. Other wise who cares bruh
If there not actual friends I've been playing with for awhile or people I know irl, I just leave and delete them from my friends list. Lol why worry about randoms.
I pull out my ghost and hold Y.