Have you ever had those raids where your fire team just doesn't work to you. Either if they just suck, or one of them dropped the n word. You just start thinking HOW can I leave politely or what can I say that is really random and stupid and will confuse them to make my escape? I've gone between saying I've played too much destiny and my eyes hurt or my hamster just got the news that he's been accepted to university, depending on the group.
EDIT: if you want Leave your best leaving lines, serious or not.
Step 1: Snap the party app (if you're on Xbox One) and highlight the "Leave party and multiplayer" option. Step 2: Start talking about something while repeatedly muting your mic so it sounds like your connection is going out. Step 3: When you feel like you're done, click on the "Leave party and multiplayer option." Step 4: Regret nothing.
Edited by Skyrender6: 8/10/2015 4:26:51 PMPolite honesty works very well. All these answers are ridiculous. You mean to tell me that all of you can't just say: "I don't think this team is working out, I think we should disband if we don't make any progress in the next 15 minutes"?
I say something to the effect of "One more wipe and I'm gonna call it quits because (insert reason)" *wipe occurs* "Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnd...I'm done. Good luck, guys!" At that point I'll take a break and/or find another team to run it.
Pull out ghost Hold Y Nothing needs to be said, although I tend to tell people when I think theyre bad.
Yell something about a glitch and rage quit lol
Sign out of PSN Go play Skyrim for 2 hours Somehow stop playing Skyrim, or sign back in "Srry web was out"
Eh. I'll just say I gotta poop. Then leave.
I just leave. Usually the bad fireteams are the ones on lfg. I just leave them
"What? Contacting Destiny serv..."
Bungee jump
*deletes the randoms I'm with from Friends List* Me: "Hey guys, anybody else getting 'Contacting Destiny Servers'?" Bad Team: "Nope" Me: "Okay then, pretty wierd, lets contin..." *signs out* "Shadow_Titan17 has left"
I'm a blunt person who says it how it is I won't just leave once iv had enough I'll say get your shit together then if we fail again I'll leave
I intend to flood the forums with this wonderful message "Screw,the hunters arc blade,screw the Titans shoulder charge,screw the warlocks -blam-ing bloom ability.this has been ghost with your daily PSA good night guardians."
I just disconnect the Internet from my playstation. Gets me out of their game instantly and I don't have to leave the party at the same time if we're in one.
Wait for the next wipe
I don't usually say anything, just silently leave and block whoever else was in the fireteam. If I have to say something it's most likely around the lines of "-blam!- it!".
I just flat out leave in silence. -blam!- them.
>scream I DIDNT GET FATEBRINGER OR PRAETORIAN FOIL -blam!- >leave >they'll understand
"Hey guys" "Yeah?" YEEEEEETTTTT goes to orbit* Leaves game chat *
Edited by Darches: 8/10/2015 7:11:25 AMLevel 34's in VoG with un-ascended auto rifles without oracle disruptor... madness I tell you. I just vanish. I have to be more specific with my LFG posts now.
Personally I don't like cheesing the raids. Especially not VOG when there's a legit way & they die several times attempting to cheese it. I leave automatically.
I just casually mention how I cut my face shaving earlier and that I'm slowly bleeding to death, then make a sound like I've fainted. I try to 'faint' on my 'go to orbit' command, simultaneously leaving the chat party also : )
*fart noise* *leaves multiplayer and party*
I'll be back, gotta go help my mom fall up the stairs.
If they say the N word (as in being racist) I just report them [spoiler]like reporting a player actually do something[/spoiler] But If they are a bunch of know it all garbage noobs that just want to be carried through everything and not listen or try to learn what to do. I tell them I don't wanna do the raid with them anymore and just leave