Nothing helps... I tried everything. I stopped counting at like 255. Easily ran 100 more before I saw the first one drop to a dude who spawned in at Phogoth and got 5 kills. Got mine 2 days later at Dust Palace (one guy bailed at start, we 2 manned it the whole way, I died once, other dude died a few times).
After grinding endless hours you start trying stupid stuff out of boredom. I decided to;
-wear the shader they always seem to give you
-instantly delete the legendaries that are part of the same group as HP
-keeping each one of those legendaries on my character as I played or in the post office
-wearing the Vanguard class item they always seem to drop for you in the dragon strikes
-having the most kills
-having the least kills
-falling in the middle on kills
-generating the most orbs
-generating no orbs
-not using heavy packs
-not using Gjallarhorn
It sounds stupid but run 100 strikes and then talk to me. You start to think you can "influence" RNG because it refuses to drop for you and it drives you insane. I did hear many people say they got it spawning in late on a map, but that's something you can't control. I finally stopped my multi-hour grinds and decided to just sit down and run them till my first legendary weapon drop, then try later.
Good luck, in the end it's worth every bit of the grind!
Lol I found myself doing a lot of the same.