Jaque lays his hand on your shoulder as he says. "You don't want to be part of an almost two hundred year old conflict." You notice that the darkness that this man holds in him is not evil or twisted you just feel the void within him. "These people wan't they're test subjects back to make more of us and you would be the first to suffer if you stay with us." You feel the concern in Jaque's voice. "It means we won't take you with us. We have to find our brethren on our own."
Edited by bagelbro123: 8/10/2015 6:03:17 AM"Wouldnt be the first time ive been told that.... The thing is, I'm not giving you a choice." "War....war never changes.... If you try to take them on alone, you will fall. You need backup. And by the look of your situations, you need it now more than ever." [b]I soon realize how dumb im acting and head out to the desert, to take a little "stroll" i guess...[/b]