[b]looks around confused and panicked then looks at you and calms down[/b]
"Oh it's you..."
"That was a pretty brave move you did. The kids are fine. Alive and stabilizing, pretty severe injuries but they'll make it." [b]I collapse my staff and put it on the rack.[/b] "As for you, you've got a giant puncture still healing by your right shoulder blade", I say tossing you the giant shrapnel that was in your back.
"Thanks for the help"
"You're welcome". "Besides I need my client alive for court this week". I say jokingly.
"Yeah and by the way do you know anyone by the name of Jae?"
"...nope never heard of him or her...why do you ask?"
Edited by Kain The Slain: 8/10/2015 7:16:20 AM"Because he was in sector two and I helped him with a few things. He was in my office in one of my safe houses and his eyes turned dark purple and it was like he was a completely different person he went from being normal to trying to sleep with me.
[b]My hand rips the door handle as I reach for it.[/b] "Huh....some guy", I say gritting my teeth. [i]Ohh son, you've got a lot of explaining to do.[/i] "....Did you say dark purple"?
"Yeah dark purple"
"What exactly...did he do"?
"He picked me up out of my chair and tried you have sex with me in my office"
"I got that part...but when his eyes shifted- did he do anything strange"?
"Some objects in the room started levitating"
"Wait..he's a Psion"?
"I gave him some KAP-8 he said he's not a psion but needed the pills for the headache"
"Strange...a guy who can levitate things, takes KAP-8, eyes change color and he shifts personalities?"
"Strange....never heard of somebody capable of doing that".
"It was strange anyways I'm gonna go now" [b]puts her vest and trench coat back on[/b]
"Stay away from combat or strenuous activity. Your puncture is still healing, give or take 24 hours". [b]I open the door.[/b]
[b]walks out and calls her car[/b]
[b]I close the door and get ready for work.[/b] ((End))