Humans are more useful than that. You just don't see it. You don't see what more you can do. You rely only on your powers and think that makes them the best class... And its annoying.... If there were more people who take Psions than ones who don't, that would be ok, but truth is, there aren't, and even though a lot of accounts use Psions (so its still popular) it doesn't outnumber the other classes... Which annoys the living shit out of me.
1) There's more Psions players than other classes in this game. 2) A Psion can do anything a human can do...they get headaches if they don't get medication, but hey if they get medication, you're screwed. 3) Cry about it. Be pissed for being a're flawed compared to the other classes. If you wanted to be human, should have gone hacker. At least you can hack shit.
[spoiler]dude i think we should just calm down... Theres no need for us to get pissed off at each other.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I think you should calm down. You're asking for it. Don't claim a false opinion if you can't back it up properly.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]im serious... Im not trying to engage in a fight here, but its headed that way fast. Lets just forget about it and move on.[/spoiler]