[u]LOCATION: Ensmooth, a relatively forgotten town on the coast of Paranorm.[/u]
[i]Ensmooth (pronounced Ens-mooth, not In-smooth) is a large, yet mainly derelict fishing town. Its citizens are wary of outsiders, and many share a similar countenance, dubbed "the look", wherein their slightly bulging eyes and oddly pale skin seem unfailingly hostile to all and sundry. There have been a string of disappearances in the town, both locals and outsiders. It came to the Mafia's attention after one of their local chiefs, who ran a salt production factory in the town, disappeared suddenly. They're looking for a team to hunt after their inside man. It's recommended any Hunters that take the job avoid traveling together or being seen publicly together, so as to avoid drawing suspicion. Whatever you find may haunt you, but the riches promised are too great to resist.[/i]
[b]The Story so far:[/b]
[i]Eva, the Bunkman couple, Etana, Phantom, and Chelovek have arrived in Ensmooth. Several of them have roomed at local innkeeper Burris Gilby's boarding house, while Etana and Chelovek have set off for the north side of town and the three canning and salting factories owned by Roger Albertin, the area's Mafia chief. Both Etana and Chelovek have investigated the factories owned by Albertin, and found nothing. Jaque has investigated a strange presence that has dogged the investigators, but found no source. In the early morning, the group sits down in the boarding house's breakfast room to compare notes and form a plan of action.[/i]
((I've designed this bounty to be very cerebral, and it'll take going back through conversations other characters have had to make sense of some things.))
"We can't."
"Well, there goes that plan."
Jaque plays a recording. [quote]."Aye, that's the Dagonite Hall. Their Deep Council's got everyone in the town on it. The Mayor, the Police Chief, the Head Doctor at the hospital. Everybody but the pastor and good Mr. Albertin. Maybe they've got something on him. A grudge, I'd guess."[/quote] Jaque speaks. "That temple is the source of the missing people. We need to sneak in there hide to the shadows, they will guide us. I don't like this rite they have one bit."
"Ok, but I'm not good at stealth, my cybernetic leg tends it make a lot of noise."
"No problem." Jaque waves his hand and your robotic peaces are covered in the shadows causing them to be noiseless and you can still move just as freely as before. The shadows dissipate an Jaque begins speaking. "I can only hold up the shadow suit as long as we are connected to the shadows. I can mutate existing shadows and bend them. The temple has plenty of shadows, we should be fine."
"Well that's a nice trick, that will help."
"Grab your gear meet me in the lobby at 10:30 pm. Bring some cubes."
"Ok, will do."
/\ New reply /\
[spoiler]DANGIT. Stop that! You've already drawn enough attention for your character to fail the bounty and be sent home. Redact that post, immediately.[/spoiler]
[b]faith grabs some breakfast and walks to a table in the inn[/b]
None of the other investigators have arrived, but a small package lies at your table, with a note atop it. [i]Take one each, and only use if needed. Pull out the pin, and then press the button. -A fellow Walker.[/i] Inside are small, green folded metal cubes with a pin sticking out of one side, along with a button on the top. They are strangely heavy. You slide one into your coat pocket and leave the rest.
[b]faith takes a look at the device before placing it in her pocket and thinks to herself[/b] [i]"I wonder what this is"[/i]
The object hums quietly in your hand.
"Hmmmmm, Interesting."
As you eat, other patrons begin to filter into the dining hall. You realize that this place seems more pure, more safe, than other areas that are just a block away.
[b]faith stretches and plays nuclear shelter on her tac-pad[/b]
((Sorry about this. In order to progress, everyone needs to enter the room and obtain one of the devices, which, by the way, are your guys' surprise reward for the trivia.))
[spoiler]ooooo, what are they? I'm guessing grenades[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You'll find out when you need them.[/spoiler]
((Cerebral? What is that supposed to mean?))
((It means there will be a lot of talking and comparing between characters, to see what pieces of the puzzle they've unlocked. Combat will not be as big of a thing. It won't be "find one clue and magically find the bounty objective." It will take time and effort. Also, it will be longer and have bigger, badder rewards.))
((Wait, you're not saying you're giving the rewards, right? Because it's a bounty, and I reward all of the Hunters who participated with Black Market items. But you can also put in some items they can find in Esmooth while on Bounty))