[b]faith grabs some breakfast and walks to a table in the inn[/b]
None of the other investigators have arrived, but a small package lies at your table, with a note atop it. [i]Take one each, and only use if needed. Pull out the pin, and then press the button. -A fellow Walker.[/i] Inside are small, green folded metal cubes with a pin sticking out of one side, along with a button on the top. They are strangely heavy. You slide one into your coat pocket and leave the rest.
[b]faith takes a look at the device before placing it in her pocket and thinks to herself[/b] [i]"I wonder what this is"[/i]
The object hums quietly in your hand.
"Hmmmmm, Interesting."
As you eat, other patrons begin to filter into the dining hall. You realize that this place seems more pure, more safe, than other areas that are just a block away.
[b]faith stretches and plays nuclear shelter on her tac-pad[/b]
((Sorry about this. In order to progress, everyone needs to enter the room and obtain one of the devices, which, by the way, are your guys' surprise reward for the trivia.))
[spoiler]ooooo, what are they? I'm guessing grenades[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You'll find out when you need them.[/spoiler]