I 100% agree. There are just far too many damage modifiers in this game. Just for starters, there's level, light level, attack rating, and impact.
Attack rating is silly. It makes no sense. Why does one weapon do more damage than another because it has an arbitrary higher attack rating?
Light level shouldn't dictate the damage output of your weapons. That's really bizarre. It should dictate the damage output of your space magic.
Removing both of these modifying elements would not only make weapons more intuitive and easier to balance, but also it would allow the weapon stats and perks system to breathe. It's weird to trash a perfectly good weapon just because of an attack rating differential, and it's weird that Bungie chose to debase such a potentially deep sandbox by putting this number on everything.
It would be far more interesting if we could really customize our Guardian's tools by the options and benefits/drawbacks associated to them, not a singular number that makes the vast majority of the sandbox irrelevant.
To go back and set things straight, as it should have been, would take much more than these lazy azzed, inept developers have in their pea sized brains. This game is a wash...period.
The nail.....you just hit it.
[quote]The nail.....you just hit it.[/quote]