Python smirks. "It's kinda funny. But this is the new team huh?"
"Yeah. We have Ash, Fyn, Jack, Alonfè, Ichor, Akkar, and a few others."
"Obviously they can fight pretty well...."
"They've definitely proven themselves. Ash even had Genesis."
"Yeah I heard about that. Speaking of Genesis, have you heard Ginger's tantrums over the monitors? He sounds pissed."
"I saved him, if he doesn't want to work with us, I'll lock him back up."
Python nods. "The way I see it, Ginger is just starting shit with Phantom....and I'm gonna side with Phantom."
"I hope it doesn't come to sides."
"You and me both."
"Well, it was good to catch up. I hope everything goes well with your girl."
"Yeah. I guess I'll talk to you later."
"Yeah. I guess I'll talk to you later."
"Yeah. I guess I'll talk to you later."