Seriously! I am [i][b]legitimately[/b][/i] confused as to why guardians are pre-ordering. Im not bashing on the practice I just want to know why youre doing it if you are. Can someone please answer my question?
Edit: So my argument to most people is as follows. Why not just wait till it gets reviewed so you can accurately decide whether or not to buy it. I sincerely hope all of you are satisfied with TTKs release when it happens. Im off to the void. Ill answer more replies later.
Edit 2: I saw alot of "because I like playing destiny" which is fine. Right now I'm having a hard time switching discs from my xbox. But to those who said "because it looks good" is the one I have an issue with. Teaser Trailers are tailor made to entice customers into buying things they havent even seen. Sure the space combat was cool but that was [i]not[/i] gameplay. There is no way in telling youll get that on TTK. Lastly I tell you all that I wish TTK delivers, not because you spent your money but also because you seem to enjoy Destiny and if Bungie did something to ruin the experience... well thatll be a different post for another day. (Also no, I have never pre odered anything in my life)
Because I'm not stupid and know I got my money's worth and will continue. I am not one of the cry baby bitches on these forums who doesn't understand balance can never be 100% achieved and I also know this is a new game and it has expectations for its age that are in realists by the community. Summed up- I'm happy with bungie thus far