Now I know this sounds like a joke, but hear me out.
Over the last few days I've seen a marked increase in threads promoting that mindset, more than I saw on the old site. Now the first thing you'd think is that this is because the rules are more lax, as did I, but I thought of something interesting.
In the past, I have, with the help of a friend who is of the African American persuasion, trolled white supremacy message boards (Usually by posing as a homosexual couple; they love that). If you haven't seen them, they're some of the funniest and saddest things on the web. One of the things they are keen to find evidence of is the "Anti-White Agenda," and/or racism against whites.
I wouldn't be surprised if all the threads titled "I HATE THE WHITE BACKGROUND" (emphasis on "I HATE THE WHITE") have trickled into the Google searches of these individuals.
So Bungie, I present you with the most round-about reasoning to date to get rid of the white background.
Thank you for your time.
I think you might be on to something...