My reflections on what happened with the Bungie Bounty and an important message about how to deal with trolls and harassment and how we can change the world. Please watch this is for all of you! <3 thank you
Yep this issue is much bigger than gaming, gender, race or whatever. It's an individual problem. Individuals who feel that freedom of speech justifies or excuses the method of delivery of that speech really missed the point. Hyperbole example: [i]Exchanging opinions and why you have a certain position w/o any intention to permit anger to escalate to action against another individual is freedom of speech and permits you to stay in a community that doesn't share your views. This is acceptable. Using your voice to express violence or desire to harm another individual with intention to escalate to action intended or not, is not free speech. If it was terrorists could threaten all they want without fear of retaliation, regardless of actions of other terrorist individuals.[/i]. Thanks to globalization we are gaining a more global identity recognizing we're a human family. The only race that matters is the human race because we are born into it. It encompasses to include any differentiating criteria anyone can come up with. Violence, anger that motivates ill-will against each other, and threats of harm have no place among us. If you don't think that girls should play games, share your reasons, be vocal in discussions of the reasons you feel that way. You have every right in this global community. You also have a right to being treated as a member of our human race community. [i]That being said:[/i] Exemplified by old westerns when people that maintained a certain way of life (rustlers, gun fighters, womanizers, etc) came into town, into a [i]community[/i] of peace loving people they would be met with a warning by the law-enforcers representing that town that they were welcome until there was a threat to the way of life (or peace) of that community. If that threat arose as a result of behavior, verbal or otherwise they would be ejected from the community on a rail. As non-violently as the offender would permit. These examples are the reason I have my opinion anyone can play what they want how they want as long as it promotes more peace loving people who want to "play". Because let's face it, we're all playing.