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1/24/2015 12:05:48 AM

Are you satisfied with your gender?







Are you happy with being a boy/girl? Would you prefer to be the opposite gender? Remember this is a anonymous poll so it can't be traced back to you. Please, discus.
#Offtopic #mucca

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  • No, I hated having to be a guy. [spoiler]I had really awful gender dysphoria. It left me reeling in my bed at night (or sometimes in the school bathroom during the day.) It was just this feeling of being unable to escape from my own body while the metaphorical walls of adulthood closed in on me. I just had to look at my options and make a decision to either come out and throw away the life that my parents and teachers have been preparing me to live since I was born in the hopes that maybe something better will come, or just get it over with because I'll never be more than an approximation of a woman or a self-hating man living a false life. I decided I had nothing left to lose and I just went for it and told my parents all about my feelings in a desperate last gasp. Luckily for me, they listened and helped me.[/spoiler] I'm much happier now that I'm on the path with hormone therapy and all that. Really I just want to be a reasonably normal, functioning member of society and get on with my life. Just trying to play the cards I've been dealt and such.

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