Petition to have DattoDoesDestiny as a community representative in the upcoming Taken King Twitch reveals.
He's much more mature than the HoW community representatives and I bet he will find out everything we want to know.
Sign for Datto!
Edit: For those who don't agree. Try to explain why not. Also, thanks for bumping!
Edit: Come on guys. Mature opinions would be greatly appreciated :/. Lots of people signing! :)
Edit: Cozmo replied! Woo!
Other suggested representatives:
Planet Destiny Team
Sc Slayerage
More console
Mr Fruit
[b]Obligatory "We have 1000+ bumps, including Cozmo" edit.[/b]
They should put datto and popebear in a cage and let them fight it out for the most pretentious/arrogant guardian title.
I don't know who that is so I don't really care.
Signed, Mr Fruit would be great too.
I'm seriously surprised they haven't had MoreConsole. They have had that beautiful bastard for just about everything else.
Moreconsole. That beautiful bastard.
I would say tefty or datto. none of that mr fruit shit
Rick Astley?
when is it?
Gosh dang it, why not Datto he knows practically everything about destiny, he gives great feedback about the game. But no it will probably be some twitch streamers. *sigh*
I kind of liked tripplewreck. He asked some inportant questions.
As long as its not bromingul ill be happy
Bump Datto is awesome can't wait for streams I'll wake up early a m like last time
I'd rather they skip this streaming crap and just give us a normal trailer, I have no interest in watching someone play on a stream, especially when so far they've all be so unlikeable and don't represent the community. I just want a list of what's in this damned thing so i can decide once and for all if I want it or not, all Bungie does is pull this drama crap.
Plz don't let it be WishYouLuck:(
Any listed above
Mr. fruit
Mr. fruit
Holtzman from Planet Destiny because he's smart. Knows his destiny. And has real skill especially with a sniper