Petition to have DattoDoesDestiny as a community representative in the upcoming Taken King Twitch reveals.
He's much more mature than the HoW community representatives and I bet he will find out everything we want to know.
Sign for Datto!
Edit: For those who don't agree. Try to explain why not. Also, thanks for bumping!
Edit: Come on guys. Mature opinions would be greatly appreciated :/. Lots of people signing! :)
Edit: Cozmo replied! Woo!
Other suggested representatives:
Planet Destiny Team
Sc Slayerage
More console
Mr Fruit
[b]Obligatory "We have 1000+ bumps, including Cozmo" edit.[/b]
Don't bring any Twitch streamer they will hype the game just like what they've done with HoW because they want to keep the hype on so they can have more viewers. Datto used to be good but once he moved to twitch he changed. Bring YouTubers only content creator or Destine from IGN.