First, I'm all for slowly phasing out legendary gear. We need to keep things fresh.
Second, letting us ascend gear was a dumb solution in retrospect. It creates an expectation.
But, rendering our current legendaries obsolete overnight in the taken king is not the right approach. It leaves us feeling cheated for all the effort we've put into the game (bungie itself acknowledges that the old rng loot system was nothing sort of a shafting).
There has to be a middle ground between completely killing them in all new content vs letting us ascend them in the taken king. Rendering them 15-30% weaker will do the trick.
Also, when I do eventually let go of my old gear I shouldn't feel shafted. The HoW's 2-to-1 blanket exchange rates were a good example of being shafted. 2 coins for 1 mote? 2 radiant mats for 1 mote? Really? Whose idea was that?
If all I'm going to get while letting go of weapons which I spent over 100++ raids to obtain, upgrade, and ascend is 1 mote and 2 weapon parts I'm gonna feel very cheated.
Of course we don't yet know if bungie has a plan. But I'd rather voice my concern before that plan becomes official.
Stop being a dick to old players bungie. There's a limit to our patience. PvE hasn't had anything interesting since crota. You bungled skolas with the burn modifiers and by the time you fixed it we realized it wasn't really that fun and the loot was much better in 28 PoE. PvP has been plagued by unbalanced weapons and bad connections for even longer.
I'm getting tired.
DeeJ said bungie wants players to feel a link between time spent and loot earned. Starting with a clean slate now is convenient but not the right solution.
They're not obsolete. They're being phased out just as you put it. The campaign starts at about Level 25 or something around there. Your Year 1 weapons are more than ready for the start of the expansion, but there's new loot to be found during the campaign.
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