Which stats?
Thee stats
If you want to talk about exotic hand cannons you seem to have more experience than me. For snipers, I can tell you one thing: Those aren't final round kills that load up the 56%. When final round comes up in is almost always unintentional and whenever it does I get lucky with quite a few double kills.
Blah blah blah. I don't need to explain myself to you or these so called stats. When I crucible I mainly use auto rifles. Don't give a -blam!- what them stats say.
You can't get 7000 exotic hand cannon kills with auto rifles.
Do me a favor and show me. Someone tried to last night but I couldn't find where my kills came from . just how many I have. Does it tell you pvp and pve? Because I know for a fact I don't have 7k hand cannon kills in the crucible.
You have 5k kills with thorn and 2k with TLW.
Does it say pvp and pve or does it just say kills?
Just says kills. Checked dtr and you have 600 hc kills.
I see. So you have no idea where I got my kills. You just assume it's pvp?
There is no reason to use thorn or tlw in PvE.
That's the dumbest thing I ever heard in destiny. Thorn is the only primary exotic from vanilla that has a burn so to speak. It -blam!-s so much face against them aliens it makes fate bringer look like the devil you don't. Unless it's arc burn. I use the last word in pve because I tried to get good with it. Then I tried it in pvp and i found myself shooting at people even though I was missing I couldn't move towards the enemy so I stopped. Point is the only time thorn is used in pvp is the last 2 days of iron banner. And there was m not successful . try again
Would rather use Timur's lash in PvE
Wow.... I don't know what to say anymore
Actually I used last word for pve when I was like level 24 and I had it before a primary legendary