Hey! Vsauce, Michael here! *pops up from behind a counter* Have you ever wondered how powerful a "Nova Bomb" from Bungie's game "Destiny" [i]actually[/i] is? Well, in 1834 a scientist named "Vonshnietzer" farted and made a ginormous gas cloud that had similar properties to Jupiter's atmosphere! He took those ass molecules and put them with like molecular properties and found out that sneezing can make a duck scared of toasters! *pops up again* But you're probably still wondering; If I drill a hole in my carpet, can the similarity of the mass of an orange and a tuba be broken down into a thinner piece of chewing gum? *pops up again* Let's take you for example, if you open your eyes and spray exactly one gram of windex in your cornea, you can actually see the physical state of atoms aligning to form....
....And as always, thanks for watching!
Cheers for that!
I have a feeling you're mocking me.......but I'm not sure.