I'm not sure they will drop us to 20 (it would make sense logically since it's the current XP cap), but I hope that we aren't 34 when it starts. If we are, no way is the content in TTK going to be anywhere near enough to carry this game another year of grinding and I cannot fathom running the vanilla content for another full year. TTK will likely be Sept filler until the big, full title AAA games start dropping.
Your light level gets translated to regular xp, so if you are 34 now, youll stay 34, meaning, only 6 levels to fill up to get to max again. Knowing bungie they made sure its going to take a long ass time to level that up.
They are going to have to for the content to carry them another year!!!!!
There will be 2 dlcs just like last year
Well if the last DLC's were any indication.....HoW lasted maybe a month for most people and they had nothing left to do.