Krafty's headshot percentage is now higher, he is at 86.3% now lol
Haha nice. Hopefully mine is getting better too. I think I'm up to 76% in my hunter. No where near kraftyy but what can ya do!?!
Do you stream? I don't think i've seen you on twitch so far
We will be streaming tonight if ya wanna watch! We more like to have fun, drink and chill. But we are pretty competitive ppl and love playing destiny
I will check twitch when I'm on!
Cool dude I really appreciate it
Yes. I do. It's probably cause it's at odd hours. We stream late at night. Our guarenteed schedule right now is Tues-Thurs 1030pm-3am CST. Then we do stream weekends but it's always up in the air on weekends.