Jaque grabs a cube looking for symbols wondering who this could be from. He looks to faith. "You know that emerald green temple? I wonder if these cubes would react to the temple. Shall we try?"
"I saw what you did, lets not do that, at least without everyone else."
"These might not be explosives but keys.
"Maybe, but I don't want to risk it yet."
Jaque looks up from the cube and asks Faith. "Have you heard of the rite or Dagon?"
"No, is it tied to that building?"
"Yes. I walked into the temple and they asked me what I was doing with the rite. I asked him what the rite is. After my shenanigans I asked some people around an they told me that the rite is used for Dagon. I feel like that is what the rite uses is human sacrafices. Somebody here knew that a bunch of outsiders streaming into town leads to an investigation and gave you those cubes. I bet someone in this town doesn't like this towns shrek temple." Jaques stops and says out loud. "Whats a shrek? Anyways we need to find this person or people. We have a third party."
"Ok, I would try the police."
"We can't."
"Well, there goes that plan."
Jaque plays a recording. [quote]."Aye, that's the Dagonite Hall. Their Deep Council's got everyone in the town on it. The Mayor, the Police Chief, the Head Doctor at the hospital. Everybody but the pastor and good Mr. Albertin. Maybe they've got something on him. A grudge, I'd guess."[/quote] Jaque speaks. "That temple is the source of the missing people. We need to sneak in there hide to the shadows, they will guide us. I don't like this rite they have one bit."
"Ok, but I'm not good at stealth, my cybernetic leg tends it make a lot of noise."
"No problem." Jaque waves his hand and your robotic peaces are covered in the shadows causing them to be noiseless and you can still move just as freely as before. The shadows dissipate an Jaque begins speaking. "I can only hold up the shadow suit as long as we are connected to the shadows. I can mutate existing shadows and bend them. The temple has plenty of shadows, we should be fine."
"Well that's a nice trick, that will help."
"Grab your gear meet me in the lobby at 10:30 pm. Bring some cubes."
"Ok, will do."
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