Also it might contradict some of other churches [b]interpretations[/b] of the bible but does not contradict the bible itself
Mormonism does contradict Christianity.
Mormanism contradicts other churches. The only reason u think it contradicts christianity is because u think ur church [b]is[/b] christianity
What are assuming about my church that leads you to believe it contradicts Christianity? As far as I can see, I haven't mentioned my church, but it's safe for me to assume that the doctrine's of Mormon theology are hypocritical because I've read them.
[quote]Mormanism contradicts other churches. The only reason u think it contradicts christianity is because u think ur church [b]is[/b] christianity[/quote] Sorry to burst your bubble, but Mormonism detracts from what main stream Christianity considers orthodox. The Nicene Creed is the foundation of Christianity, something Mormons oppose openly.