[b]faith tries to fight their control but can't, she thinks to herself[/b]
[i]"shit, we should have waited for the others"[/i]
You are dragged down into a deep, seemingly unending crypt. Blood is smeared on the walls and floors. Each of you is thrown into a cast-iron cell. A man in a dirty, rumpled suit lies in the cell next to yours. It is Roger Albertin.
[b]faith is enraged, she tries to break the bars with her blades but they break[/b]
Albertin turns weakly towards you. [b]Jack sent you to fetch me, eh?[/b] [b]Won't work. I've tried.[/b]
"Yea he did, I wish I waited for the others now."
Move to the new refresh plz
The cube in your pocket begins to vibrate.