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8/11/2015 10:21:52 PM
[quote]1) Weapons have a finite meaning on player experience. Scout rifles and snipers shoot from far. Shotguns shoot from close. Everything else falls inbetween. Specific weapons have specific stat increases.[/quote] First off, even just based on the shallow and false view on weapons you've presented, that [i]still[/i] makes them more diverse than any MMO weapon, thus proving my point. Wow. Also, Playstation and Xbox controllers both do the same thing; they control games. By your logic, they must feel the same, right? Of course they don't, and players prefer one or the other because of it, and the same goes for weapons in Destiny; slight variations can make all the difference in what [i]feels[/i] right to the player. [quote]2) There is definately more than one way to keep gear diverse. The simple fact that an older player has previously released gear that is currently unavailable is the meaning of diverse items. [/quote] Having tons of clothes in a closet that you [i]can't[/i] wear doesn't make your actual wardrobe more diverse; it just gives you a full closet! There's no point to having old gear if [i]it becomes ineffective, and no longer able to keep you alive in a firefight against stronger enemies.[/i]. [quote]3) TTK isn't an expansion. It is Destiny 2. If it was an expansion it would be labled as such.[/quote] Okay, NOW you're just trolling. But just in case a [i]non[/i]-troll decides to read this argument; TTK [i]is[/i] labeled as an expansion, and as I've shown in my OP, there [i]will[/i] be an actual 'Destiny 2' in the future.

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