Hey, I thought to share my cosplay, I am currently updating it.
Specifically the head, arms and legs. :)
I am pretty short hence why I needed the stilts !
(Note: i was on a very tight budget and had to balance university with work, hence why its not too accurate )
Thank you
(If you are interested, I've done a cortana cosplay and heaps of others too
My page is facebook.com/spartanjenzii)
Thank you for looking
Like wow.
Wow, that is an amazing cosplay, good job!
Great, because of that stupid queen of the reef Ama thread, every desticle is viscerally aware that they can post all of their density stuff here in OffTopic! Cozmo if you're reading this: [b]YOU WILL NEVER TAKE OVER THE FLOOD!!!!!!!!!!![/b]
All flood/desticle wars aside, it is pretty nice