I barely made it out alive. I brougt up feminists and how they are stupid, i then explained a true story i had heard about a guy who got accused of -blam!- some girl, that girl carried around a matress, anyway, the guy was prooven innocent and i explained how he was still bashed on by feminists and the girl even after he was prooven innocent, i then asked "If feminism is about equality, then how and why the hell where those feminists bashing that man even when he was prooven innocent?" she then brought up my brother (Who if you dont know, she accused him of -blam!- and pretty much ruined his life, he is deaf and he went to jail for a week and now is labeled a sex offender) And she said "(jnsert brothers name here) was innocent, according to the courts" Now tell me, if he was innocent why was he sent to jail for a week, i was told that he plead not-guilty a long time ago. anyways, it went on and on and she asked me how it felt to be in the group that would be laughed at in 50 years, i then replied "Perhaps i am in the group that would be laughed at in 50 years, maybe 75, but perhaps in 100 or more, the group that is laughed at is yours, everything has a weakness." she claims "I need feminism because i dont feel safe around men" please, discuss about my male scum problems, and how opressive i am.
Edited by technoguy1754312: 8/12/2015 12:00:17 AMThis whole thing like a road that loops no matter what any guy does literally. Your held responsible for whatever action you did and even if you were a good person. The women may say it bad that like saying you got ra pe by a girl. You can't ra pe the willing . Today world people choose good choices and really bad one. Being a guy isn't easy most thing girl go through isn't easy. So what the hell makes the difference both side is the same flip coins the only thing different is how you treat each other over actions. So tell me both male and female that this message make since. It true fighting and complaining won't make matters better anyhow. people will just keep fighting. This society took a knee deep fist to the face.