Jason Statham (Transporter, Crank, Expendables)
Vin Diesel (XXX, Fast and Furious, Saving Private Ryan)
Ron Perlman (Sons of Anarchy, Fallout (narrator), Hellboy, Beauty and the Beast)
[b]All should be on your list![/b]
Edited by a clumsy scrub: 8/12/2015 1:36:21 AMI just looked through a bunch of comments and none of these are there. Im so disappointed.
omg i said jason statham! ive seen everyone of his movies, including the old ones
Awesome, obviously you can imagine his voice (and accent) in our ghost? And just imagine when he gives us some attitude lol
he would be like " take back the lead dammit!"
omg ik! it would be awesome! especially when he walks out of the bar and gets mad at barney in ex3!
Seriously, how are [b][u]none[/u][/b] of these guys a top pick?