"Do you know if they did anything to him in that jail? Implanted him with ideas of defection? Torture maybe? I don't want to think about it."
I know that the AI he created went rampant. It started torturing him and talking about how Genesis were the "superior race" and stuff like that. Even though at most there are like, 8 of us.
"I thought the AI hated us. Superior Race sounds like a compliment. Anyway, whatever happened, probably happened in there, because he was dead set on rescuing you, the creator of Genesis. And he wouldn't be if he hated you."
Eh..... I didn't just invent Genesis! I invented a whole bunch of other shit for the Empire. Not to mention Anti-Matter as a usable substance. And Warps. And Scouters.
"You didn't invent a mech Wyvern."
I used to be able to shape shift into animals. I could've been a Wyvern.
"But not a [b]MECH[/b] Wyvern."
I could've been. But then my arm and eye got replaced with bionics... Now I can't do it anymore.
"So what your saying is... You could be a mech, and you could be a wyvern, but you couldn't be a [b]MECH WYVERN[/b]!" "ooooooooohhhhhh" *i go to bed*