If you have seen the game informer interview with Bungie on The Taken King, then you would have heard about how improved Destiny and its expansions will be.
This is a slap to the face of us Year One guardians. We dropped $100 to beta test a game for a year! Finally, now after all the bitching, money, and disappointment, we are getting the full game that will be completely revamped and improved compared to the game at launch.
[b]Sign here if you want to protest about how we, Bungie's most loyal fans, were treated like crap by not buying TTK. Or at least don't pre-order.[/b]
You, like everyone else who played year 1, have no one to blame but yourselves. You decided to purchase the game. You decided to purchase the expansion pass sight unseen. You decided to continue playing, despite whatever Bungie "did" to you. You are not the victim. You are the enabler. Deal with the consequences.