*Crew Spraypaints [b]ANTI-GENESIS[/b] Graffiti on the hangar walls and commons.*
*murph sees it on the way to his quarters* "What the hell is this..."
*A can is thrown at you*
"Who threw that? Man I'm just trying not to get kîlled out there. If you don't like it, leave."
"Abomination!" "Leave!"
Comms: Yeah.... You people are fired. Get off the Ship.
"Okay." *keeps walking to my room*
*i run up to you as I see you in the hallway.* "Murph, did ya see what happened in the hanger?"
"The graffiti, or the guy that went blind?"
"Ok. So you did see those. Well, I just brought the guy to the Medbay. They may have to remove his eyes, and make them cybernetic."
"Yeah. That stupid disappearing guy..."