No, not the ones that give healthcare, food stamps, or social security. The ones that are actually costing the avg American household thousands of dollars a year.
The welfare programs we need to cut are the corporate welfare.
The avg American household loses [b][u]$6000[/u][/b] a year to corporate welfare programs.
So I ask, where is the cry from republicans who are "fiscally conservative" to cut these programs that are costing us billions?
[quote]Overall, American families are paying an annual $6,000 subsidy to corporations that have doubled their profits and cut their taxes in half in ten years whilecutting 2.9 million jobs in the U.S. and adding almost as many jobs overseas.
This is more than an insult. It's a devastating attack on the livelihoods of tens of millions of American families. And Congress just lets it happen.[/quote]
Most of those costs aren't on an average American family. Sure, if you average the cost over total American families it makes it sound more controversial and gets attention (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). But in all reality, the bottom 50% of income earning Americans pay maybe 15% of the total taxes so these numbers exaggerate the actual affect on average Americans. Also, how much of those programs or incentives are covered by the income tax the corporations pay? For sure though, tax laws and government subsidies should be reviewed and reformed to cut back spending and eliminate the government being taken advantage of by companies. On the other hand, not all of those subsidies should necessarily be cut completely. Some things, including income subsidizing for farmers who lose income, help keep families and small corporations going.