I really don't see why this is getting nerfed at all. Who can convince me? It makes no sense...
1) it's an exotic level perk 2) even as an exotic level perk it is OP 3) it is OP because you can chain infinite sniper shots into fallen walkers legs or any other boss with a large crit hit box without ever reloading or running out of ammo, this breaks the game. Simple really. Why do you use black hammer and why are upset about the Nerf if it is not OP and can be replaced by any other sniper? Think of the two exotic snipers, are they as good as BH? Exotics are supposed to be the most op in their class. The only nerf I disagree with is icebreaker. Ghorn is so op it breaks the game in PVE too. The rest effect pvp more. By icebreaker? It's really good, which is exactly the right level. It's not game breaking in PVE or pvp I don't think.