Edited by fuzzydice77: 8/14/2015 12:35:26 AMNot saying it's ok for men to sleep with a lot of women (and/or men) wasnt saying she's a whore either that was her words. What was stupid was that she should've ignored people instead of saying something that they are going to use against her (also true feminists believe in male female equality which i don't mind. The ones that get on my nerves are femnazis who hate men and believe in female superiority) (I'm also male)
Look, I don't associate myself with feminists in any way, I am against it but this is the one thing I agree with them. It is unfair that when a guy sleeps with lots of women it's fine but vice versa you call her a whore.[spoiler]ps I'm a guy[/spoiler]
A key that can open any lock is seen as good. A lock that can be opened by any key is useless