Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
I'm a 303 warlock need two people to do trials with that are decent light doesn't matter message Acridaura or invite me to your game
Need two for flawless 310+
310 Hunter Xbox One Same GT As Above^^
Need one more serious player to go flawless. Must have gone flawless year 2 and have a mic. Send me a message if you wanna kick some ass
314 warlock looking to just do bounties. I've never attempted Trials. Invite me gt logswinger
Need 2 for bounties gt same as name
Need help getting to lighthouse msg me for inv just watch and follow my channel I will help 2 people at a time first come first serve
Need one 305+. Message me for invite. GT is name
Looking for two more ppl to run trials flawless. Really need skilled people who are in it to win it. Looking to have fun on the way to the lighthouse I'm a 303-6 warlock. Willing to run whatever compliments team Msg my GT is the same for inv (Preferably no children)
Need 1 for trials
313 Titan and a 308 Hunter looking for 1.. we've both never played trials before.. if you need two message me! thanks (:
(Xbox One) Do you want some high level trials gear? Stun and Ezo are here to help you get to the lighthouse. These elite players helped a lot of people achieve there goal of visiting the lighthouse last weekend. Most for nothing more than a thank you. They will be grabbing people out of the stream for free trials runs all weekend.
Looking for 2 skilled players who have Y2 emblem. Time to go flawless again
Need one for trials message for invite
Looking for a team that won't just kick me without even starting a game, I'm a 306 hunter running bladedancer with mask of the third man, primarys are hawksaw or smite of merain secondarys are 1000-yard stare, black spindle, or silence of a'arn heavy is raze lighter or harrowed elulim's frenzy. Trying to do bounties but flawless would be nice. Inv me on xboxone gt above
Looking to run Trials I have been flawless this year. I'm running a hunter. Gt: Paskode
303 Titan looking for a team to run trials with. I'm pretty laid back and easy going and can hold my own. Send Lord Lunatic an invite if you're interested. PLEASE DO NOT: Suddenly have somewhere else to be. If you're running trials do not run with me knowing you won't last a whole run. Invite me if you are a child. I'm a 23 year old man and I do not play with kids. Boot me even though you invited me knowing my light level. If you have a problem, inform me and I'll leave.
Need 2 for trials. Must have gone in y2 and have good communication skills. Plz be good and able to hold your own. Msg GT above for invite.
304 Titan looking to do trials my gamer tag is Mikeyman239
Need one for trials message for invite gt starts with a lower case L
Edited by ReachMaster54: 11/8/2015 5:00:24 PMLooking for a team solar titan 309 send invite to ReachMaster54
Need 1 for trials run, not looking to go flawless just want to complete bounties and to get some gear. msg x FuGiiTivE xII for inv
311 Titan
Need 2 message me for Invite
Putting team together im a need 2 msg me for inv ive gone flawless
300 hunter looking to go flawless or just get wins for gear invite gt: SuperxNova Mtn