Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
LF1 310+ light
Need one for flawless run. Must carry your own and don't waste our time. Message Afflicteddoom
Need 1 for flawless run must have been flawless before
50 dtr-Ranked 135th in the world for trials MESSAGE ME YOUR TEAMS KD U MUST HAVE 1.5kd+ [b][u]IM CHECKING KDS[/u][/b] If I don't inv u, stop inviting me, ur kd sucks Because u suck [b][u]DO NOT INV ME TO A PARTY[/u][/b]
311 hunter looking to go flawless last character this week
Need 1 for flawless run Good with sniper Msg me in game tag same as above
Need 2 for bounties msg gt above for invite
Need one more please have experience and be good at sniping. Have good communication. Message seoulactor on xbox
Need 1 for a flawless run
Need 1 for bounties and farm for gear! But must be 302+ .Msg for inv
Need one for a few games
Need 1
303 Titan looking for a team to run trials with. I'm pretty laid back and easy going and can hold my own. Send Lord Lunatic an invite if you're interested.
Need a GOOD. Group for trails 309 Titan 1.1 Inv then go into game chat Invite me
Need 2. Must have a 1.5 KD or higher. Must know the call outs. Have good weapons. I hold a 3.2 KD trials (Top 1%) So just know I'm a try hard that doesn't like losing. GT- Caution this I'll be checking stats before I give you the invite.
FOR HIGHLY SKILLED SERIOUS TRIALS PLAYERS ONLY **Looking for a VERY good sniper** 313 Hunter Nightstalker Setup: no time to explain, sniper, truth for heavy round. looking for 2 people for a flawless run. I've been 8-0 literally 4 times this weekend and lost. Wanna finally get a good enough team together for a perfect run. U must communicate very well with call outs and work together as a unit. I can't stress this enough. message me in game for an invite please include your class, light, and if your a beast with a sniper. Xbox one GT: Pure SkiLL Xx
305 Warlock looking to finish up bounties Please invite rob13f
305 Warlock looking to finish up bounties Please invite rob13f
Need help getting to the lighthouse And doing the bounties 295 warlock I'm a decent player would be better with better gear Invite SargentBenDover
Lvl 310 hunter. Invite me: yuk0nxcornelius
Need two for trials on Xbox one. Must have at least a 1.50 trials KD. I have a 1.7 KD in trials, message me on Xbox one if you meet this requirement
Hunter lvl 307, Gotten to 8 wins twice this week and just ready to get that 9th W. INV REDsoxsFAN101 only if you can go flawless
308 hunter have gone 7 and 1 this week and 8 and 1 several times last week i have a good kd and im a good sniper message ELITE Reactions for a invite or just invite me.
312 sunsinger. Inv acrazedhobo21
310 warlock looking to join a group for flawless. Must know how to work as a team
Lvl 310 hunter. Invite me: yuk0nxcornelius