Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
311 hunter running bow looking for team I'd like to go flawless but I'm not about to get butt hurt about it if it doesn't happen Inv me in game
311 hunter running bow looking for team I'd like to go flawless but I'm not about to get butt hurt about it if it doesn't happen Inv me in game
Need 2 good players for a 9-0 trials run msg me on xbox gt same as name
Need one for trials we would like to go flawless but we just wanna see how far we can get GT same as above
Need one for trials. Message Black Sheep TD for invite.
Edited by italjuve27: 11/8/2015 3:58:39 PMNeed 2 for trials bounties... Send msg for inv (no mic) Gamertag: italjuve27
Need 2 for trials bounties, msg gt above on xb1
Looking for a third man hmu i wanna fo trials
Need 2 more for trials msg me gt above
Need 2 for trials Trying to go flawless but also to have a fun good time some people make mistakes who cares it's all fun Msg hazza1977 for inv
Need a team to go flawless. I'm a sun breaker Titan at 306 invite gt above
never been flawless, never played trials.. if you need an extra 3rd hit me up.. I'm not terrible. (: 308 Hunter
LF 1 more 310+ for flawless run, currently have 312 hunter and 312 Titan both been year 2 flawless and have emblem for proof, send message to Xx RaPiiD2z xX
312 hunter attempting second flawless this week inv me gt is same
LF 1 more 310+ for flawless run, currently have 312 hunter and 312 Titan both been year 2 flawless and have emblem for proof, send message to Xx RaPiiD2z xX
Need 1 for trials msg me sane as above
Looking for a team for trails need 2 msg for invite gt same as above
Need 1 for trials. GT is DarkAssassinX15. Not trying to go flawless. Just trying to get 5 wins
Looking to do trials Send invite
Need one for trials must be above 305 light have good pvp setup msg for invite gt is the same as above
Need 1 for trials msg me at ryan102002
Need 2 just looking to complete bounties message gt above
Need 1 for flawless 305+ 1.5+ kd Msg me for inv with kd
never been flawless, never played trials.. if you need an extra 3rd hit me up.. I'm not terrible. (:
Need 1 for trials. Looking to go flawless. Don't suck and be over 300. Message gt above for inv
Need 2 to go flawless *** must be 305+ *** must have year 2 emblem *** GT:TheKnight1724