Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 for trials msg me at ryan102002
need 1 for trials just completing bounties
Went flawless 2x already without having to start a new card. Only message me for invite if you have a 1.4+ K/D in trials. Will check stats. Going for quick run.
Need one for trials laid back just doing our thing kd doesn't matter as long as you do your thing for the w
Looking for two people to try attempt at going flawless, be chilled and a decent player gt same as above message me on xbox
Need one for trials Must be able to hold their own.
313 Titan lookin for a fire team to run some trials gt same
Looking for a group to get passage coins
Looking for one more to go 9-0 must have year 2 emblem and be able to hold your own message for invite gamertag same as above
311 Titan looking for a chill group for trials. Would like to go 9-0 but understand that it's not always in the cards. Send message to hammers48 for invite
Trying to complete bounties... Need 2
I need 2 that is serious on going flawless and can back it up Must have y2 emblem!! Must be able to hold your own. Let's do this quick & easy Message with character & lvl GT same as above
Need one msg Space Totan
Must be 305+ Must have gone flawless previously Message for invite.
Edited by Toaster: 11/8/2015 3:33:45 PM313 Titan lookin for a fire team to run some trials gt same
Edited by Fearless Mutiny: 11/8/2015 3:30:29 PM312 Hunter looking for trials. Gt Fearless Mutiny
Need 1 good player preferably quick Rez lock
298 hunter I don't care what light you are because I just need 2 games to finish my bounties gt same as above
Need 1 I'm a 313 hunter no scrubs message for inv looking to go flawless
Looking for two laid back people that are alright at crucible. Try to have some fun and maybe go to the lighthouse. Post below for inv.
Looking to run trials on my alt. Warlock 309 Have been flawless Good sniper Invt if serious bout 9-0 run
303 titan with bad juju for flawless
Need 2 to carry me to flawless
Need two people for a flawless run Who have gone flawless before And can hold their own Message Gt above for inv
Edited by b like Courtney: 11/8/2015 3:23:50 PMI'm looking for a good tream. Light lvl 308 I'm good at pvp.
Need 1 for trials msg me at ryan102002