Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 for trials msg me at ryan102002
Class: warlock Level: 40 313 light need 1person I'm top 1% of the world for trials. You need to communicate, follow strategy, call things out, gone flawless year 2, & are substantial not just okay or decent. Must be substantial
Need 1 for trials. 2 307s who went flawless last year. Need 1 300+ Msg me on xbox
Looking to run trials on my alt. Warlock 309 Have been flawless Good sniper Invt if serious bout 9-0 run
Class: warlock Level: 40 313 light need 2 people I'm top 1% of the world for trials. You need to communicate, follow strategy, call things out, gone flawless year 2, & are substantial not just okay or decent. Must be substantial
Need 1 for flawless run. We both have emblems, be a team player and nice. Msg Kalkasaurus
Looking for one to go flawless with. Please be 310+ need help to get to lighthouse Message The Seventh Ark.
Need two good player who can carry their own weight and have light level above 305 and have good wepon and are looking to go flawless
Looking for a 3rd to do bounties Msg titan drop
312 warlock lfg that can hold their own. Been flawless 30+ times in year one. Gt same as above.
Need 2 for flawless only ! i have yr 1 and year 2 flawless emblem msg fsu x anomic for inv pls carry your self im tired of carrying teams need good af players
Looking for 1 with at least 1.5 kd I will check. I have a 1.75 kd on my hunter in trials you can check as well gt:blic skillz
Need 1 for trials trying to go flawless. Be above 300 and hold your own. Msg for inv. Gt as above
Need 1. Looking to go flawless. Gt same as name.
Lf [b]1[/b] for a [b]Flawless[/b] run. So please be good. Emblem preferred but not required
309 warlock looking for bounties run or flawless message me or inv GT the same as above
I'm looking for a good tream. Light lvl 308 I'm hoping at pvp.
Need 2 GOOD players 307+ Don't waste my time Msg for inv Have good weapons
Looking for flawless run, been flawless myself 6 times this year already, must have gone flawless before, if bad you will be booted, don't waste my time, GT: hgv11
Need 1 for trials trying to go flawless. Be above 300 and hold your own. Msg for inv. Gt as above
Looking for flawless run, been flawless myself 6 times this year already, must have gone flawless before, if bad you will be booted, don't waste my time, GT: hgv11
Need 2 players no requirements just want to complete bounties GT IS ABOVE MESSAGE FOR INV XB1
312 warlock lfg that can hold their own. Been flawless 30+ times in year one. Gt same as above.
315 warlock looking for a team. Gt is same
306 titan. Gt above.
Need 1 bad ass player for flawless no bums gt same