Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 2 for flawless and bounties message ghost0217 for invite
Looking for a team xXCarRamRodXx12 for flawless invite me 311 hunter .
Need 1 gt is itsDregs msg for inv
Looking for a group to go flawless with not waste my time with scrub teams I want to get this done and move on to another character so msg me if you a serious about going flawless be light lvl 307+ (or close is fine but better make up for it) if you don't hold your own you will be kicked GT the same
310 nightstalker. Flawless this week. Need 2 305+ crazy ass mofos that actually want flawless and not to suck a wanker. Same gamertag. It will be fun. I only have mercy activated.
helping people with flawless i carry two guy in the same run but its better if u got a friend who s good in trials so thats gonna be easier msg: Peazc0al for invite or invite me help me guys with my twitch just press the follow button thanks
Just went flawless . Looking to do bounties or possibly go flawless on other my Titan. Just having some fun . No kids. Need one. 310 + gt above . Light level and class please
- HELPING PEOPLE GO FLAWLESS & GET TO THE LIGHTHOUSE!! 260 People have been helped by me in the duration from when trials first came out until where we are now. Have to Follow the twitch channel to help me out as well though. Message your gamer tag in the chat after you've followed. & We'll get to it as soon as possible. We get several new players to the Lighthouse every single week, who's next ? Message in chat if you're looking for a card
312 hunter looking for help going flawless for the first time - Red Death - 100 Yard Stare - Harrowed Elulium's Frenzy - Can hold my own Invite: FlyingFroggy123
312 lock need one player for trials hit me up gt the same
Need 2 to go flawless, I have been flawless! 305+, I'm a 313 Titan, you just have gone flawless before. No messing around just wanna get it done! Gt same as above, msg for inv.
Looking for a team to go flawless GT:CB PowerHouse
Want to go flawless check out bdx_havoc at twitch he does free raffles and will not stop till u get it!!!!
- HELPING PEOPLE GO FLAWLESS & GET TO THE LIGHTHOUSE!! 260 People have been helped by me in the duration from when trials first came out until where we are now. Have to Follow the twitch channel to help me out as well though. Message your gamer tag in the chat after you've followed. & We'll get to it as soon as possible. We get several new players to the Lighthouse every single week, who's next ? Message in chat if you're looking for a card
Need 1 for flawless. Must be 300+ and 1.3 kd .Gt same
315 warlock Self Rez Looking to go flawless Gone flawless in year 1 many times Looking for 310+ team Inv on xbox one
Need good team went 9-0 twice in a row yesterday. Need to go on my hunter. Gt same as above. No kids please.
312 hunter looking for help going flawless for the first time - Red Death - 100 Yard Stare - Harrowed Elulium's Frenzy - Can hold my own Invite: FlyingFroggy123
Lfg for trials im a good sniper
Looking for a team xXCarRamRodXx12 flawless run invite me
Need one more for trials. Going flawless, must have posting kd. Play as a team. Message gt Dragonbabymaker
- HELPING PEOPLE GO FLAWLESS & GET TO THE LIGHTHOUSE!! 260 People have been helped by me in the duration from when trials first came out until where we are now. Have to Follow the twitch channel to help me out as well though. Message your gamer tag in the chat after you've followed. & We'll get to it as soon as possible. We get several new players to the Lighthouse every single week, who's next ? Message in chat if you're looking for a card
Need two people 309+ Who have gone flawless before And can hold their own Message Gt above for inv
Need 1 more for flawless run Measage gt above for inv Dont be a dick, just looking to go flawless
Need one for flawless run. Must have done so before, will be checking and kds as well. No carries or kicked. Not trying to be that team but need a serious player. Thanks. Msg SLATERs NATION with light and character.
Looking for flawless run. Flawless emblem req, hold your own. Gt Jaxzmode