Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Looking for flawless run. Flawless emblem req, hold your own. Gt Jaxzmode
Looking for 2 to do trials been flawless plenty of times! Plz be good add me same name as top one
Looking for a team to go flawless with... Been 3 times last week. My titans new to year 2 and has a +1kd so would appreciate similar or more. Invite me on GT above.
311 titan looking for a trials team. Send inv to BaneofallFools
303 titan looking for a flawless run. Looking for some good snipers. Invite me or message me for invite me.
Looking for 2 to do trials been flawless plenty of times! Plz be good add me same name as top one
Looking to just finish 10games for bounty not looking to go flawless since I don't have my mic
- HELPING PEOPLE GO FLAWLESS & GET TO THE LIGHTHOUSE!! 260 People have been helped by me in the duration from when trials first came out until where we are now. Have to Follow the twitch channel to help me out as well though. Message your gamer tag in the chat after you've followed. & We'll get to it as soon as possible. We get several new players to the Lighthouse every single week, who's next ? Message in chat if you're looking for a card
312 hunter looking for help going flawless for the first time - Red Death - 100 Yard Stare - Harrowed Elulium's Frenzy - Can hold my own Invite: FlyingFroggy123
Looking for a team to go flawless with... Been 3 times last week. My titans new to year 2 and has a +1kd so would appreciate similar or more. Invite me on GT above.
Need 1 to get bounties done message gt above for invite
Light 313 need a team. Just trying to have fun and get the bounties done msg on Xbox for invite or send me an invite. Gt the same^
Looking for a team xXCarRamRodXx12 invite me
Looking for 2 to do trials been flawless plenty of times! Plz be good add me same name as top one
Need 1 to get bounties done gt above
Going FLAWLESS! Need 1 Requirements: -Kd 1.5+ -300+ light -Communicate and work well with a team You WILL be kicked if I deem you pathetic! Msg Oddmonstarr for INV! I'll be checking stats
Edited by baconsuace: 11/8/2015 8:29:28 AMLooking for 1 , we holdin it down p.o.p Do some bounties and go flawless . Light 314 Light 313 Name same gt
Need one. Flawless. Too. Gt: Eggrrols
Need 2 for flawless run Must have been flawless before MSG GT- Ragingrivers915
Light 313 need one. Just trying to have fun and get the bounties done msg on Xbox for invite or send me an invite. Gt the same ^
316 titan looking for group flawless or non-flawless doesn't matter to me hmu
Need 1 person to go flawless 300+ no noobs gt same
Need 2 for flawless run Must have been flawless before MSG GT- Ragingrivers915
Light 313 need one. Just trying to have fun and get the bounties done msg on Xbox for invite or send me an invite
Need one for flawless run. Must have mic. Must be mature. Must have gone flawless Y2. Have emblem. Will check stats before I inv. Msg Mr halfbreedBG
Looking for a team xXCarRamRodXx12