Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Can someone please help me go flawless. I can hold my own I've never been year one or two and I would like to make it once. I can hold my own
Need one to grind out for gold tier package. We suck but like having a good time.
Ranked #37 For Trials Need 2 Msg For Inv
308 Titan looking for team invite
Need one more for trials. Looking to go flawless, message me for an invite. Divinity Puff.
I am a beast at crucible!! Nuff said. Im helping people with trials to go 9-0 . I will also be streaming at so hit me up in Chat for an inv.We have good laughs and fun.if you like the stream hit that favorite button
Looking for one for flawless run msg gt above 1.2 kd at least
Need one more skilled crucible player
need one for a flawless team message gt irishstalion07 for inv
Watch itzz_sky stream on twitch for the most epic night of trials!!! Helping people run as well!! Come watch the fun. Thanks
Need one more for trials...send message to gamer tag above for invite
Looking for 2 to do trials been flawless plenty of times! Plz be good add me same name as top one
Two Lvl 40 light 309 hunters looking for a 3rd person to run trials. Need experienced players.
Need one with 1.3+ kd for quick flawless run. We have both been flawless this week. Titan would be preferred, but message class and kd for invite. Leggoooo
Need one not a flawless team yet but working on it
Looking for 2 More strong players!! Gone flawless once this weekend trying to do again! Won't rage quit if we lose but will pick up new passage coin! Must win first game for boon. Must have gone flawless & have Emblem INVITE ! rockyx954 FLAWLESS!!!
Need one for flawless 310+
- HELPING PEOPLE GO FLAWLESS & GET TO THE LIGHTHOUSE!! 260 People have been helped by me in the duration from when trials first came out until where we are now. Have to Follow the twitch channel to help me out as well though. Message your gamer tag in the chat after you've followed. & We'll get to it as soon as possible. We get several new players to the Lighthouse every single week, who's next ? Message in chat if you're looking for a card
Hi. I need help going flawless. I am decent player and can hold my own. The only reason I am asking for help is because I have been 8-1 3 times tonight and once yesterday. It is so frustrating getting that close and then losing 4-5 on the last game. Last week I lagged out TWICE on 8-0. Of anyone can help me go flawless that would be amazing... TL;DR... I need help because I can't get past 8 wins
I am a very good sniper. I am trying to go flawless. I went 7-0 then 8-0 this week. I just need a good team. Yake this serious. Only message me if you have what it take to go flawless.
298 hunter struggles LOL need help gettin to light house pls! honestly just decent at trials i have my moments haha message me on here if any players are down to play!
Need 1
313 titan looking to do trials...send gamer tag an invite
Need one 310* crucible player same gt
Looking for people who are 311+ and have gone flawless in the past two weeks. I dont want to waste these 9 passage coins.
Need 2 serious people for the Trials of the Osiris so msg me on XBL GT: UD Gucci Must been Flawless b4 Must have teamwork