Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need a hammer titan w/crest for flawless, msg GET THIS m0ney
312 Hunter been flawless many time. Looking for team to go flawless with. Must know what you are doing and have emblem. Message gamertag above or inv
310 hunter Looking go flawess Inv me
Need one for trials. We've both been flawless. Carry your own weight. Gt GodsOnlyPrayer, message with light and subclass
Need 2 for run just want to play trials message cheesewizardTM
305 Blade Dancer bad juju can snipe (1000 yard) and shotgun K.D: 1.11 NO carries Must be 1.5 kd or higher mssg: OMG Its PeakZ for invite
Need a team. 1.3 kd, sunbreaker. Message Roburt e Lee
Need 1 more 300+ for flawless trials.. Gt xboxcj85
I'm a warlock that can hold his own and talks messege for invitw
314 LF2M for lighthouse 1.3 k/d 64% win new emblem Msg for inv if similar stats
Need 1 more to go flawless 300+
314 hunter looking for team for flawless
Need 2 for trails message ivaio for invite
A Titan 310+ with Hawksaw, Red Death, Bad Juju, etc looking to go flawless or at least get good rewards. Looking for a skilled 310+ with good weapons and willing to try multiple time no "Destiny God Scrubs" Message:Wrenchingorb060
Need 2 must be good
Need 2 must be good
Need 1 for trials 1.40 kd plus no scrubs and know what you are doing.
306 lock looking to team up - Hmu - ThiLLy Bear
Would like to play some trials. Have went flawless many times in year 1. Don't care if it's for bounties or to go for the big 9-0. I am a 296 but can hold my own. Hit me up. Gt. is the same as above
Need one for trials, doing bounties and having fun
Need 2 to go flawless please have gone flawless year 1 or 2 and be skilled, for all i care you couldve been carried to flawless, message imbadatspeaking
Warlock 44 Trials DTR. 1.4kd in Trials 80+ Flawless in Y1 3x Flawless Y2 LF team with similar or better stats INVITE ME Gt: DictatorOfXbox
Lf 1 more for Flawless Trials Must be 300+ light 1.20 k/d and Flawless Year 2 exp Message UCFKnights79
Need 2 to go flawless please have gone flawless year 1 or 2 and be skilled, for all i care you couldve been carried to flawless, message imbadatspeaking
312 Hunter looking for a team who can hold their own. Been flawless many time looking for a team of the same skill to win. Message gamertag above or inv me
Need 1 more team player. Message gt above for inv