Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 more team player. Message gt above for inv
Need 2 good players to go flawless I have been countless times pull your own weight and you'll do good
I have a 311 and 313 who have been flawless year 2 Need 1 who is 310+ and who has been flawless year two message me for an invite
need 2 plz be GOOD! at least k/d 1.5 up on trialssss ill check it. mines 2.4 k/d
Titan looking to join a team who's going for flawless..I have been flawless.. Can hold my own not looking to carry it be carried. Invite same name as GT
311 warlock looking for good team for trials inv TheRedEyeJedi3.
Need 1 for a flawless run who is 310+ and who has been flawless year two message me for an invite
Need 1 that has a 1.6+ I will check message Sgt Jermz for inv
314 hunter looking for decent trials team for flawless Invite i chucklez i
Lvl 313 blade dancer looking to play trials first time in year 2 But I went flawless in year one 15+ times Gt: highass ninja
Top 1 % trials player on destinytracker. Looking to join legit good flawless squad. GT Thehillman8er
303 hunter looking for 2. I can play seriously or for fun I don't mind. Message me on Xbox One for invite: swinecult
Need 1 more for a trials run. Looking for fun and some good wins along the way! Please reply with your GT for inv
307 hunter
302 hunter, decent at pvp. Never been flawless but would love to. Send me an inv if want to help me. Thanks.
Need two for trials going flawless
295 hunter Will hold my own. Went 8-1 last week Need 2 players who just want to do bounties and get some wins. Gt same as above
Looking for 1 for flawless hold your own
314 titan looking to finish bounties and have some fun. Warning just a little drunk. Inv
Need one message in game for invite gt same as above
Just looking for a fun run Be at least 300+ Don't rage or have a pissy attitude Msg: AiA Calichin
312 warlock 310+ weapons Hawksaw Invective Send invite Already went flawless this week on one character
311 Hunter 1.31 K/D TOP 18% Hunter (Use to be top 23% overall but a started a new character and that brought my overall down) Flawless countless times in Y1 310+ Only Looking to go flawless. HAVE A MIC!
Easy flawless run? Already got two top 10% players. Message Witty Warri0r
315 warlock in the top 3% for trials and has been flawless twice in y2. looking for a team or 2 more people who have been flawless and are 310+.
305 doing bounties. Gt above.