Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
311 warlock (went flawless last week) trying to go flawless this week. Need 2. Msg Hussong22
Need 1 for flawless Message DRG RANSOM for inv We are 306 Titan and 305 Hunter
Need 2 for going flawless. If you have gone flawless this year and are above 305 you are an automatic in. If not have around a 1.5 kd in trials. Must have a mic, max weapons, and be good. Msg KoS Shreader for inv. And Dont Waste My Time
Two flawless hunters looking for one more person with flawless emblem and a kd above 1.0 to go flawless with us. We have good teamwork just need a good shotgunner or elite sniper. Been flawless already this week also
Looking to get carried to the lighthouse I am a 310 nightstalker I am using: Hawksaw, raid shotgun, thunderlord Please help me get to the lighthouse
Need 1 for trials. Doing bounties and trying do do well at the samevtume. Gt above.
New good team that does not suck must be good or get kicked msg me for invite gt same as above
Need good team that does not suck ass
311 titan looking for flawless run, must be 310+ and pretty good at trials.
RANKED #15 IN THE WORLD IN TRIALS! HELPING GUARDIANS GO FLAWLESS 9-0! Hurry! Don't message, just come to stream! :)
READ BEFORE INVITING -- 313 warlock! --CAN ONLY SKYPE MIC IS NOT WORKING -- If you want to do a test run in elimination I will be fine to do so and if we can't work as a team I will leave --CAN I GET an ELITE GROUP FOR TRIALS 6 teams I've been in and they are awful and I'm sick and tired of it --MUST HAVE A 1.50KD OR HIGHER not one of you both of you must YOU can go right ahead and check my stats --I am an elite player not looking to joke around. --I am looking to go flawless, and flawless only. --Gt- agnostic cynic ----REMEMBER YOU MUST HAVE A SKYPE TO TALK XBOX ONE
need 1 for flawless must have emblem
READ BEFORE INVITING -- 313 warlock! --CAN ONLY SKYPE MIC IS NOT WORKING -- If you want to do a test run in elimination I will be fine to do so and if we can't work as a team I will leave --CAN I GET an ELITE GROUP FOR TRIALS 6 teams I've been in and they are awful and I'm sick and tired of it --MUST HAVE A 1.50KD OR HIGHER not one of you both of you must YOU can go right ahead and check my stats --I am an elite player not looking to joke around. --I am looking to go flawless, and flawless only. --Gt- agnostic cynic ----REMEMBER YOU MUST HAVE A SKYPE TO TALK XBOX ONE
Looking to get carried to the lighthouse I am a 310 nightstalker I am using: Hawksaw, raid shotgun, thunderlord Please help me get to the lighthouse
Need one flawless trials run Gt-phantomhero
need 1 for flawless must have emblem
Need one more for our team we both have been flawless in year two looking for same gt same for invite
Need one for trials. Message gamer tag rdrcr500 for invite
Looking for a fun loving individual to do trials. Message iksnamot
No Mic but I'm okay at PvP Invite: Dj Keith96
312 Hunter been flawless before. Have new flawless emblem. Looking to join team for flawless run. GT: CONNOR from BSP
Two flawless hunters looking for one more person with flawless emblem and a kd above 1.0 to go flawless with us. We have good teamwork just need a good shotgunner or elite sniper. Been flawless already this week also
Need one for trials. Message dognheat for invite
Need one Message gt
314 Hunter looking to go flawless with a group of 308 light plus and is capable in pvp Message Rudenucklehead
308 warlock looking to join a team! Please message SirBushido97 for invite!